coincidentally, these are the only jobs i'll be saving/applying for on my linkedin. laughed audibly this whole article and will be style jacking your acoustic guitar busker look come fall.
I’m tagging myself as those amazing patchwork boots and now realizing how I have a gap of trousers in my closet that needs to be filled. The 9-5 may not deserve your creativity and sartorial choices, but I guess they’ll just have to be inspired for now 🌈
coincidentally, these are the only jobs i'll be saving/applying for on my linkedin. laughed audibly this whole article and will be style jacking your acoustic guitar busker look come fall.
I’m tagging myself as those amazing patchwork boots and now realizing how I have a gap of trousers in my closet that needs to be filled. The 9-5 may not deserve your creativity and sartorial choices, but I guess they’ll just have to be inspired for now 🌈
lmfao why are you so funny